Last fall, I switched from the dreaded Superstore to my local Co-op and it was pretty much the best decision I made all year. Now, instead of loud 80s pop songs competing with a shouting and overstimulated girlie, all while I'm trying to figure out where stuff is because they've REARRANGED THE ENTIRE FRIGGIN' STORE YET AGAIN, I am faced with this:
I am no longer cornered but she, delightfully, is. The competing patterns in this shot remind me how I used to feel at the grocery store. The silence implied by her posture, on the other hand, speaks volumes.
Plus, they have free, healthy snacks for kids under 10. They have a low sink in the bathroom so kids can wash their own hands. The washroom doesn't smell like skank. And to top it all off, their local produce is actually local. I could go on, but you get the point.