Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Game on

OK, I think I have invited everyone to join the Flickr group who expressed an interest in participating in P26/52. If you want to join and you haven't heard from me, make sure I have the URL to your Flickr page. If you did get your invitation, make sure you accept it and head on over to the group page. I've written up a welcome there and a brief description of this week's prompt. I'll likely continue to deal with the business end of P26/52 over there. Even though the group is by invitation only vis-a-vis posting to it, anyone can look in on the group's pictures. To do this, here is the URL for the group's main page: http://www.flickr.com/groups/p26-52/

The first week is now underway. The prompt is Depth of Field: Deep and photos are due by the end of Sunday night. Shoot if you dare.

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