Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The cup is 1/3 full

Most of the shots are more about transformation than metamorphosis but, hey, I'll take it.


120:365 Seasons change




122:365 Unreal city


123:365 At the parade

We had the most amazing snowfall for the duration of the Santa Claus parade. I got some ok pictures but nothing that really captured the beauty of the moment. Part of the problem was that the camera steamed up inside my coat and then wouldn't work properly.




125:365 Barbie bokeh



I've been photographing these berries for about 3 months now. Finally today, a berry shot was my best shot.


So, just like that we're over 1/3 of the way through. Are you still with me? I haven't had a chance to make the rounds for a week. I promise. I'll visit soon. In the meantime, here's a new prompt for you: portrait and/or landscape.


  1. One of the things that you're doing so beautifully, I think, is capturing the simple moments with M. The stretch of her body (those gel window things ALWAYS ALWAYS rip for me, by the by), the hands on the puzzle. I realize that part of the difficulty I'm running into in getting pictures of MQ is that the minute she sees the camera she tends to run and hide. 95% of the time. So I rarely get a picture of her where she isn't well aware the lens is on her, and doing her best to ruin the shot. Little stinker.

    Love the Barbie Bokeh, and I know you've been working on that effect for a while. :) (Even though that doll is NOT a barbie... way too pretty and not nearly plasticy enough)

  2. I love 122. I'm jealous of your snow!

  3. M. Is still a baby. Huge deveolopmental milestones ahead. You will have so much fun, it gets better and better. Linda
